
Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury: The Silent Epidemic

For years, traumatic brain injury was known as the “silent epidemic” because injuries often went untreated or ignored. Though patients often complained of memory loss or gradual decline of mental abilities, accident victims were ignored or sidelined.

Many victims went uncompensated and suffered tragic impairments from accidents that could have been prevented.

However, as more research developed, victims who have suffered brain injury have acquired a voice in legal proceedings. Research revealed how an acquired brain injury can affect an accident survivor. In recent years, the need for attorneys with experience in brain injury has grown tremendously.

What is an acquired brain injury?

Brain injuries are caused by trauma, neurotoxins, vascular disorder or anoxia. These injuries can happen due to a number of reasons, most of them involving accidents. For example, potential victims can acquire damage to their brain through:
  • Automobile, truck, bus, motorcycle, and other vehicle accidents
  • Sports accident
  • Work-related injury
  • Violence
  • Crime

Closed head injuries

Brain damage is classified under two different types: Primary damage and secondary damage.

Primary damage is a brain injury that results directly from the force of the trauma.

Secondary damage is injury caused by other factors, like increased pressure within the skull or reduced blood flow to the brain.

In a closed head injury, the brain is damaged without penetration or breech of the skull.

Most head injuries occur when the victim is involved in rapid acceleration such as when a car rapidly accelerates and then stops after striking an object or another vehicle.

Symptoms of brain damage

Brain damage can affect your way of living permanently and catastrophically. The symptoms that occur can be life-altering and it is best to seek medical attention and legal advice immediately after a brain damaging accident. 

Some symptoms you can look out for that will tell you whether or not you have brain damage are:
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Loss of memory immediately before or after the accident
  • Alteration in mental state
  • Loss of ability to focus

It is essential that you get immediate help if you suspect damage to your brain. Get medical attention as soon as possible.

If you think you are eligible to file a claim for your brain damage, do so as soon as possible. Many deadlines are involved in claiming compensation for injuries after an accident. Speaking to an attorney about your injury is something you must do as soon as possible after an accident so that you can receive full compensation for your injuries.